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Heatstroke A Medical Emergency

by : Dr Wilkhoo HS - 20/06/2024 Reader(s) : 714 336 Likes

Heatstroke is a most serious type of heat injury caused by long exposure to strong heat or heat waves or in combination with dehydration, leading to overheating of the body. The heatstroke can happen to any age and gender, usually between 4 years to 65 years. The risk of heatstroke lies with internal and external factors. Internal factors like obesity, renal disease, hypertension etc increase the risk of heatstroke. Obesity is the most common factor as the body has more insulation that retains the heat inside. Secondly, less fluid intake below 3 ltrs may also cause dehydration during heat exposure. The dietary pattern also plays an important role in dehydration leading to an increased risk of heatstroke. External factors like sudden temperature changes may also cause a physiological imbalance of heat regulation in the body. It mainly happens by rapidly moving from colder temperatures to warmer climates or dry-humid weather. Heat stroke may also be more vulnerable during high heat index which combines with high humidity and rapid sweat evaporation. Many times there is confusion between Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke, which mean the same. Heat exhaustion may lead to heat stroke by virtue of its severity. Common distinguishing signs & symptoms are; heat exhaustion presents as dizziness, headache, sweaty skin, rapid heartbeat, nausea-vomiting, weakness and cramps, whereas heat stroke mainly presents with red, hot & dry skin, high-temperature 104*F, mental confusion, fainting, etc. People working outdoors, in poorly ventilated sheds, enclosed sheds, furnaces, boilers, blowers, etc are more prone to risk of heatstroke. Heatstroke presents its signs and symptoms in phases, which depend upon the degree of illness, such as: - Heat Cramps - Heat Syncope (fainting) - Heat Exhaustion • Signs & Symptoms: - High Temperature above 104* F - Throbbing & bursting headache, especially pain in vertex, and occipital (back of the head). - Dizziness & lightheadedness - Lack of perspiration (sweating) - Red, Hot, Dry and Flushing Skin - Muscle weakness & Cramps - Nausea and vomiting - Tachycardia (Rapid heart rate) - Rapid and shallow breathing - Confusion and delirium - Unconsciousness and seizures • Management: The heatstroke is an emergency and has different protocols of management. First Aid: Cool down the body temperature by; - Cold bath - Air Condition - Blowing air on wet body - Proper ventilation - Take the patient to a shady and airy area - Apply Ice packs on armpits, groin, neck and back. - Once the patient is stable, give a small quantity of cold water to sips frequently to avoid cramps in the stomach and vomiting. •Prevention - Avoid: o Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine. o Salty snacks. o Fast & fried food. o Soy sauce. o Carbonated drinks. - Consume: o Drink plenty of cold water in sips, avoid drinking more. o Drink plenty of water, juices, soups, vegetable juices, and watery fruits. o Drink cold water before going to the hot area. o Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes. Best Tips: • Drink plenty of cold water in sips • Drink plenty of juices, shakes, buttermilk, etc • Eat: Watermelon, Grapes, Oranges, Cantaloupe • Eat raw salads: Cucumber, Tomatoes, • Avoid Soda, Coffee, Tobacco. Holistic Homeopathy: Homeopathy has amazing results both in prevention and curing the symptoms of Sun Stroke. Homeopathy works on principle of similia similimum curanture. A genus of the symptoms and its homeopathic remedies, the following can be of choice. Glonoine: The most efficient homeopathic remedy for sunstroke prevention as well as curing the symptoms. Gives results in minutes when the patient presents with a flushed, hot, livid, pale face with intense throbbing headache, confusion, dizziness, palpitation, increased shallow breathing, increased body temperature, etc. Belladonna: Similar to glonoine with prominent whizzing ears, drowsiness, throbbing headaches with dry hot skin, loss of consciousness. Gelsemium: wonderful remedy with prominent cerebral congestion presented by delirium headache, high temperature, low-weak pulse. Do visit the website : https://www.wellnessdrwilkhoo.com/


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